Obihiro Centennial City Museum




In Tokachi, kimono were made with wood-fiber cloth, cotton cloth obtained through trade, and animal skins. Clothes made from tree bark are called attus, and were made mainly from lobed elm. Animal skin clothing was mainly for keeping warm in the winters, and the skin usually came from deer, foxes, and dogs.

Ainu Language in Use

The Ainu Language

ピㇼカ イミー アナㇰ ネコン ネヤッカイ チカㇽカㇽ オ アンペナンクス チカㇽカㇽ エネ ネヤッカイ アカㇽ カツ シンナイ アン。

pirka imi anak nekon neyakkay ci=karkar o anpenankusu ci=karkar ene neyakkay a=kar katu sinnay an.


We always add embroidery to the nice kimono we make. We say embroidery, but the designs made are different depending on the individual.